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Volfas Engleman

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We are

Volfas Engelman

An international producer of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and is one of the oldest companies in Kaunas, as well as in Lithuania.

What’s the secret to our success? Our ability to combine traditions with modern technologies, a modern approach to business and our cooperation with the city and our country.

Volfas Engelman


Volfas Engelman contributes to student education initiatives in collaboration with academic institutions.

In 2016, in cooperation with the Vytautas Magnus University, Volfas Engelman led the project “Marketingo laboratorija”. The company tried to pass on its experience and allow students to put their knowledge into practice. One of the main advantages of this project was the combining of science and business, theory and practice. “We all had an opportunity to make sure that excellent results in these areas were achieved through cooperation,” said M. Matukaitis.

Volfas Engelman has established a scholarship for KTU students, the Finnish Olvi Group Foundation.
The Finnish Olvi Group Foundation supports higher education students in all three Baltic countries: Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. The amount of 10,000 Litas was divided between five KTU students. It was open to talented young people who had achieved high academic results.

Volfas Engelman


To contribute to a more detailed analysis of the history of beer, Volfas Engelman initiated the writing of a historical book “From I. B. Volfas and Engelman to Ragutis. The history of the brewery, 1853-2008”. The book introduces the origins and history of industrial beer production. It contains a lot of facts about name changes of the company resulting from the changing political system, beer types that were most popular in the interwar period, and the significance of Kaunas in the history of beer.

From I. B. Volfas and Engelman to Ragutis. The history of the brewery, 1853-2008” was published by the brewery to commemorate the 155th anniversary and was celebrated with the rebirth of the most popular interwar beer, Volfas Engelman.

The second book, “Volfas Engelman, the history of the brewery since 1853” was published not long after. The facts presented in it are illustrated by historical documents from the country’s archives, interesting material from old newspapers and magazines, and stories of former employees who are still alive. The book pays a lot of attention to the last two years, during which the company has undergone many significant changes: revisit of the company’s history, reclamation of its historical name, active integration of the company into the cultural and social life of Kaunas. The company supported about twenty different cultural and social events, initiated special historical and public projects, and offered fresh beer to consumers.

The authors of the book are historians Vilma Akmenytė-Ruzgienė and Giedrė Milerytė.

Volfas Engelman

Kaunakiemio st 2-1, LT-44354 Kaunas

Company code: 133990589

VAT code LT339905811

Tel.: 324345 Fax. 321

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