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Beer production




In the brewery malt is milled in a special cylinder mashmat. The malt grain are crushed into several parts called fractions and mixed with the necessary amount of water. Already during milling mash is obtained. A very important factor is to preserve the hull which is later used as a natural filtration layer.


Mash delivered from the mashmat to the mash tuns can be mashed without cooking in infusion way or with cooking – decoction. Under the influence of the ferments present in the malt in the mash tun the malt starch is decomposed to sugars suitable for fermentation (saccharose, maltose).


From the mash tun the mash travels to the filter vat in which mash is separated from the insoluble parts of the grain and the hull – draff.


The transparent filtered mash is boiled in the thermal mixer. Hops are also proportioned to the thermal mixer, they flavour the mash and give it bitterness. During boiling mash is also sterilized, the surplus of water is evaporated, the colour darkens.


The boiled mash is delivered in the tangential direction to the lower part of cyclone separator (sparkler). In it the effect of a whirlpool is created which precipitates all the insoluble parts of the mash and substances to a regular cone.


In mash refrigerator mash is cooled to the temperature necessary for fermentation process.


During fermenting the mash sugars with the help of yeast are soured to ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide.


The mash cooled to the necessary temperature is transported to cylindrical cone-shaped containers (CCC) in which mash fermenting and beer maturating takes place.


So that the beer was transparent, stable and of good marketable condition, it is filtered. Particles causing turbidity are separated.


The filtered beer is poured to different containers of four types – KEG small barrel casks, plastic bottles, glass bottles and cans.


To ensure quality the beer production is controlled in all the stages of the drink production by performing physical, chemical and microbial tests.


The beer poured to the marketable containers is stored in ventilated storehouses, protected from sun rays, in the storehouses the air humidity is at the most 75 per cent and the temperature 10-20 degrees.

Contact us

Contact us

Kaunakiemio g. 2-1, LT-44354 Kaunas

Company code: 133990589

VAT: LT339905811

Phone: 324345 Fax. 321

    Volfas Engelman

    Kaunakiemio st 2-1, LT-44354 Kaunas

    Company code: 133990589

    VAT code LT339905811

    Tel.: 324345 Fax. 321

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